
Little Black Book

This is where we share our favourite contacts.

Think local.

Hair Studios

Copper Lane Hair Studio & Boutique

Community minded, sustainably beautiful.
Phone: 403-782-3038
Address: 4908 50th Avenue

Head Hunters

Salon & Day Spa
Phone: 403-782-5800
Address: 5029 50th Avenue
Website: headhunterssalon.ca


Shared Seasons Floral Designs

Monique LaGrange
Phone: 403-304-0354
Email: sharedseason@hotmail.com
Instagram: @sharedseasonsfd
Facebook: facebook.com/sharedseasonsfloraldesigns

Lacombe Florist and Gifts

Phone: 403-782-5016
Email: lmbanfield@gmail.com
Website: www.lacombeflorist.com
Facebook: facebook.com/lacombeflorist&gifts


Karlee Prins

Independent Presenter for Younique
Phone: 403-396-6016
Email: karlee_steve@hotmail.com
Website: youniquebykarlee.com


Leto’s Steakhouse and Bar

Full Service Catering
Phone: 403-782-4647
Email: george@letos.ca
Website: www.letos.ca

Cilantro and Chive

Full Service Catering
Phone: 403-782-2882
Email: rieley@cilantroandchive.ca
Website: www.cilantroandchive.ca

Wedding Favours

Shabby Little Market

Natural Soap Products

Email: robyn@shabbylittlemarket.ca
Website: www.shabbylittlemarket.ca